Monday, March 1, 2010

I've Arrived!

After my arrival in San Francisco last week I've spent the majority of my time wandering around the city checking out the different neighborhoods and adamantly searching craigslist for an apartment. Thus far it has been unsuccessful, yet I am optimistic that I will find one in the coming weeks. I have also been lucky enough to have a generous friend in Luke and his hospitable girlfriend Gabby, with whom I am staying with until I can find a place of my own. Ideally I would like to find a place and settle in before my March 8th start date at Facebook, but I don't see that happening.

I can't say enough about how great the city has been so far, and how friendly the people have been. The general vibe out here is so different than Boston and I am looking forward to meeting people at work and around the city once I establish myself here. Oh also doesn't hurt that the weather has hovered around 55 degrees and either overcast or sunny since my arrival. I'd say that's an improvement from the "Snowicane" that the Northeast experienced a few days ago!

Though it has been a long 5 months of unemployment, I think it was the best thing that could have happened to me. It seems almost fate that I landed in SF, checked my voicemail, and had a congratulatory message from Facebook with a job offer. The timing couldn't have been better and with almost nothing but my hat in hand, I've reached a new chapter in my life and things are lookin' up!

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